Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1) Be Nice.

Well, we've got a few weeks of summer vacation under our belt, and all I can say is that we've survived.  I made it 32 years and some months before I finally gave into any version of a planner.  I cannot keep my schedule and three other people's schedules (I don't even attempt to keep up on Brian) straight without the aide of something.

Ivy and Max went to a day (well, morning) camp last week in Ankeny.  It was the first time since my maternity leave that Milo and I got to spend quality, consistent alone time together.  It was weird, and brought back a lot of memories of life with just lil' Maxwell (back in the day), but it was really, really good.  We folded some laundry, played, he napped one or two of the days, and we even got to go for a walk.  Not that I'm even remotely wishing my time away with Ivy (and Max), but it did make me realize how wonderful it will be come fall when Ivy is in preschool a few mornings a week and Milo and I can hang.

The kids and I made it about a day before I declared, loudly and forcefully, that we were going to make summer rules.  Rule #1 is "Be nice."  It typically gets broken within five minutes of the kids waking up, and subsequently is broken about four hundred more times throughout the day.  I've only contemplated drinking before noon a few times.  I'm actually starting to get a little nervous that Max and Ivy will hate each other for the entire lives.  But they're both adorably and wonderfully kind to Milo, so I have hope for them to eventually show that to each other, too.

Max also had a three day VBS at our church last week, and we've had a handful of play dates, tee ball games, and about 14 visits to Target and Hy-Vee (100% of which have ended in me wanting to rock back in forth in the corner in the fetal position).  Prior to summer vacation I had fleeting thoughts of maybe wanting another baby.  I laugh out loud at the thought now.  :)

I had a lot more to say, but Milo just ambled by me, smiled and left a strong odor where he last stood.  Apparently a diaper change is in order.  And now there's some kind of major cracker drama in the other room with Ivy.  #mommyproblems #TGIalmostbedtime