Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Go Team Tortoise!

This conversation occurred this morning between Max and me.  The Today Show was on the tv, and we were watching the story about the news anchorwoman in Wisconsin who spoke out against an email sent to her that criticized her weight (  Max and I had this brief conversation:

Max: "Mom!  Did you hear her?  She just called herself fat."
Me: "Well, she's actually talking about how someone sent her an email telling her that she was fat.  That's not very nice, is it?"
Max: "No."
Me: "Because we shouldn't call people names, ya know?  It hurts their feelings.  We should just say nice things."
Max: "Yeah.  Like, even though you're fat, Mom, I still love you."

Clearly he missed the "don't say mean things to people" point, but he full embraced the "we should be nice and try to love everyone" point, so I can't get too down about it.  :)  I just wish it didn't come on the week where I have two bridesmaid dresses to squeeze into.  

When I was pregnant with Milo, I decided at some point in regards to my weight gain that ignorance was bliss, and that I'd lost baby weight two times before, so I could do it again.  I attempted to enjoy my last pregnancy (as much as anyone, especially me, can enjoy pregnancy...) and not focus on the fat I was also accumulating.  I still don't know exactly what I weighed when Milo was born or exactly how much I gained, but I do know that I've got a good 10 pounds left that I'd like to lose (and realistically I'd like to make it 15 pounds).  And as much as I'm struggling with my body image right now, I do know that I'm slowly but surely getting closer to my goal.  In my mind it would have been reached by this weekend (when I have to wear the two above mentioned bridesmaid dresses), but it is what it is.  Slow and steady wins the race.  (Although sometimes the super fast and steady guy wins, too....but we're not focusing on that today.)

Honestly though, I had to laugh at Max's comment.  Because the absolute wonderful part of it?  He was being sincere.  He looked me straight in the face, and in not so many words told me that he doesn't care if I've showered, if I'm sweaty and smelly from a workout (because I do actually work out, thankyouverymuch), if I'm haggard from the daily strain of parenting....he loves me.  And if I'm being honest with myself, that's a billion times more important to me than 15 extra pounds of fat affixed to my arms and belly.  

*This is not a solicitation for "you look great!" comments.  Despite my insecurities, I'm still okay with what I look like.  I'm working to get to where I want to be, and until then, I'm good.  Pinky swear.

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