Thursday, December 6, 2012

at least there's still the chocolate.

Two days in a row.  Impressive, right?  Although don't get too excited.  I just happened to have a funny/mildly entertaining story to share, and the kids are all being extra well behaved, so it's like the perfect storm to enable blogging.

Okay, so I found this idea on Pinterest for a DIY advent calendar (well, I mean, I totally bought the actual calendar at Target, but the inner stuff is DIY).  It did NOT include the idea of chocolate each day, but I went ahead and added that.  Because I don't think Jesus intended anyone to countdown the days to his birthday without the aide of chocolate.  ;)  Anyway...the original idea that inspired me was to have a little object representing a concept from a verse from Scripture.  The pin included all the Scripture and object ideas, so I've just been using that, but a lot of them are a little abstract and deep for a 5 and (almost!) 3 year old.  So today's opening of the calendar door was pretty awesome.

The object was a string and it was supposed to represent that Jesus is a link or bridge between God and humanity.  I knew that was a little hard for anyone, let alone my wonderfully young and smart children, to understand.  So I had Ivy play the role of God and Max humanity, and I launched into something a little like this: "So before Jesus, there was God up here, and there was all of the people in the world over here.  And they had no way to get to God.  So God sent Jesus into the world, and he eventually died for all of our sins, and then all the people now have a link and a way to connect to God.  Does that make sense?"  To which Max responded, "Yeah. (pause)  I'm thirsty.  Can I have some water?"

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