Thursday, January 17, 2013

My name is Kara. I'm bad at blogging on a regular basis.

Once again, I sort of took an accidental long break from blogging.  It turns out blogging is like pretty much everything else in my life: I can't quite seem to stick with it consistently.  At least I'm consistent in my lack of consistency.  Ha.

I don't even know where to start.  I feel as if something inside me has changed, or turned over, or....something.  I don't do New Year's Resolutions, so it's not like I'm on some new kick (although, now that I mention it, my running group has started up again after a three week break, and our core exercises are KILLING my abs, even as I sit here and type).  I just feel like I've finally embraced this new phase of life.  My little tag line lately has been, "I thought I'd hate staying home with the kids, but it turns out that I don't not hate it."  But if I'm being totally honest with myself, I do kind of love it.  I'm going on month six of staying home, and I don't have any plans to get a (paying) job anytime soon.  Well, not counting my one shift a week gig at Target, which I consider a break more than anything.  (I'd probably do it for free, but don't tell Target that.)

Milo will turn one in about six weeks.  And it's just another reminder of how life just seems to fly by.  (Because I swear I was *just* waddling my lil' pregnant self around weeks ago, not 11 MONTHS ago.)  I'm not sure I'll ever get on board with the title of "homemaker" (which thanks to the kids' constant doctor's appointments, I get to check a box indicating that as my profession on a regular basis), I can get on board with the moments that I have on a daily basis that I would probably miss out on if I was working full time outside of the home.

So, without further ado, here are some of those highlights from the past few weeks:

Me: It's so important to listen and learn in school.  Because there are kids in other countries who can't go to school or who don't have as awesome of a school as you do.
Max: Like England?
Me: Ehh, well, no, not really England.
Max: Like Mexico?
Me: Um, I guess, but I was thinking more of like Africa or -
Max: Ooh!  Like New York?!

Brian: Does anyone know where bacon comes from?
Ivy: Caramel!!!
Brian: Um, no, but good guess.  Anyone else?
Max: Chickens!!

Ivy, calling to me from the bathroom: Mommy, my poop stinks.  (pause)  Want to come smell it?

Not my best stories (in fact, possibly my least exciting ones to date), but this is a good reminder to me that I need to blog more often as the funny ones happen.  Because I really do forgot.  And that makes me sad.

Okay, I'm going to get back to cleaning the house.  Milo has been sleeping since noon (hallelujah!), and Ivy is asleep as well.  This is the second time this has happened this week.  I think it's a sign that I'm getting good at this mom thing.

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