Monday, August 13, 2012

Day ? (I've lost count already)

The before-mentioned-honeymoon period might be over.  I think the first moment where I really wanted to quit ("quit" = go back to work...anywhere) was shortly after getting back from working out at the Campus this morning.  I had shamelessly called my mom on the way home from the gym to ask if she would sit in my car while I went inside Hy-Vee to get a mocha from Caribou (which is terrible because I really, really, really need to learn to take three children places on my own, which, fyi, I *do* do, but the thought of doing it for a three minute trip for a Campfire Mocha seemed too exhausting).  So, I had my iced mocha, I'd had my workout, and life should have been good, right?  But really I was sweaty, smelly, and showerless for the day, and Max and Ivy were bickering (which they do from sun-up to sun-down) and Milo was screaming at the top of his lungs.  And I thought to myself, "So this is my life now."

But, never fear!  I snapped out of my lil' pity party fairly quickly.  Because eventually Milo stopped crying (after I held him, walked with him, changed his diaper, held him some more, and finally got him to sleep), and the older two kids didn't kill each other, or even draw blood, which is all I can really hope for at this point.

Shoot...I had lots of other positive, reflective thoughts for this blog, but apparently Milo could sense my fingers typing about him crying, and not wanting to disappoint his fans, he is crying again.  In hopes of keeping Ivy asleep for a decent nap, I need to go get him.  More soon about all those optimistic, good trains of thought that I've had.  I pinky swear!


  1. One piece of good advice I have hear (from a mom with 5 who stays at home with them) is that whenever the situation seems unbearable, the worst is usually over in about 20 can still be crappy or emotional or you can still be stinky (body or attitude) but the peak crisis is usually ebbed...

  2. Adding homeschooling mom to my titles of stay at home mom, wife and homekeeper are getting me all crazy over here. Balancing life when kids are always underfoot is tough work! God is certainly trying to cultivate some fruits of spirit in me, mainly kindness and patience! Funny how when I tell my girls they need some of that, I see I really need some to. Just today I told them they need to find some joy in their hearts. They have clean clothes, food, nice house, and family love. And if those don't bring joy, that Jesus died for us should. Intersting how I was speaking to my crummy attitude most. Girls when off and played. and I smile.
