Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day One

I've tried numerous blogs over the years.  We'll see if I can stick with this one.  Mostly right now I just want something that will help me to:

a) document the adorable things that my children say and do (because we all know there aren't enough of "those" blogs out there already...).  ;)

b) help me work through my emotional/physical/psychological/anything-else-ical drama associated with my new decision to close the coffee shop and stay at home with my above-mentioned adorable children.

c) fill time that I should be spending cleaning and organizing my house with something more appealing.

Disclaimer: I can only imagine that these posts will range from light-hearted to overly personal to rambling to entertaining over the course of time.  And that's assuming that I maintain the blog thing.  I just felt the need to address my lack of focus and direction with this new project.

In honor of my first official new blog post and my first official day as a stay-at-home mom, I'm sharing a picture of what I encountered within the first 10 minutes of my morning today.  The scene and the emotions that accompanied it above and beyond cancelled out everything associated with: the lack of a good iced mocha, the blow out diaper that Milo had two minutes before we had to leave to take Max to school when we were already running late, the discomfort of being "the new girl" at the gym in a body that I still maintain isn't mine (even though it's a good three months too late to be using the post baby card), and the frustration with myself for not getting a moment of cleaning accomplished by 3:22 pm.  Because despite all the circumstances that led up to this day, I know that it's all worth it.  Waking up to three smiling and giggling faces is something that I wouldn't trade for the world.  Or a really good iced white mocha.

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