Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Look out Richard Simmons.

I got up at 5:00 this morning to go running (I joined a running class at the Campus, and fyi, after the first day, I *love* it!), and I was home by 7:00 am.  At first, that was the only planned outing of the day.  But about ten minutes after Brian left, I decided it would be best for everyone if we scheduled something else to at least get us out of the house for a little bit.  Target was the clear choice.

It actually didn't go as horribly as it could have.  In fact, I'd say on a scale of one to ten (one being "I think we were just actually banned for a lifetime from all Targets" and ten being "that was more relaxing than a glass of Moscato"), I'd give it a nice, ol' 7.  Milo screamed off and on during the first part of it (it's his new "thing") until he pretty much cried himself into a deep slumber, and even though the Altoona Target only has three aisles of schools supplies, I think we went up and down each one twenty-six times and still someone managed to not get four things on our list.  BUT, we all survived.  And I had dangled the carrot of slushees for anyone with good behavior, and Max and Ivy not only acheived the award, but the super nice lady at the counter gave them both swirly straws (which she probably gives to everyone, but I like to think that she gave them to my kids because they're so darn cute).

Of note from the Target trip:

*This is what Ivy's hair looked like during the entire thing.  (She tackled the chore of "doing" her hair herself this morning, and I pick and choose my battles with her, so I decided to just go with this one.)  Also, it's very "Sweatin' to the Oldies" and we all know how much I love me some 80's.


*A hilarious snippet of conversation between Max and me:
Max: "Can I get a toy the next time we come to Target??"
Me: "I don't know Max.  Possibly."
Max: "What does possibly mean?"
Me: "Um, I guess it's just a fancy way of saying 'maybe'."
Max: "Ohh...so, it's like French."

*After trying (or attempting to try) on the majority of the shoes in the girls' shoe section on Ivy, I've come to the conclusion that she has ginormously wide feet.  We finally found a pair that would fit over them, but the poor thing had to settle for her fifth choice.

Oh, and before I forget to post the pictures, Max has been working on writing books again.  For all the obvious reasons, I love-love-love this!  He has a ways to go on plot development, but for a five year old, I think it's pretty impressive all around.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had an okay shopping spree at the "Altoona Target". And tell Max that yeah I think Possibly could be a way to say maybe in French. Mom's french that is......
    Can't wait to read the next blog. Enjoy being a stay at home Mom. I did it for several years and I think I took it way to serious to enjoy it like I should of but, I did get to know my kids in a way that if I didn't stay home I never would have known.
    Good Luck Stay home Mama!
