Thursday, August 23, 2012

So, there I was, cleaning my floors, mid-way through checking off one of the five items on my to-do list for the day.  Milo, God bless him, was in the middle of a marathon nap, and Ivy was right there with me asking to help clean (yes, I'm cherishing that, because I know it's probably going to be short-lived).  I was feeling so on top of it.  So organized.  So "I-am-Super-Woman-Hear-Me-Roar".

And then the phone rang.  It was the dentist office.  We were supposed to be there.  Fifteen minutes ago.  For the appointment that I had already rescheduled once, with less than 24 hours notice, due to a conflict.

The receptionist was super nice.  (And, to be fair, she probably wasn't shocked since I've been going to this office for a few years now, and she's probably picked up on my uber obvious lack of organizational skills.)  But I still felt rude, and sheepish.  And it totally burst my bubble.

I've moved on though.  I'm determined to not only remember Ivy's dentist appointment next week, but to arrive early (or at least on time...).  *And*, I totally have completed 2 of my to-do list tasks for the day.  (**And** one of them was 'make scotcharoos'....for my girls' weekend/Bekcy's bachelorette party for this weekend that promises to be fun, relaxing, and a break from my beautiful but exhausting children.)

And, while I'm typing this, I'm watching Ivy play with grapes in ways that I've never seen (putting one between  her chin and chest without smashing it, "accidentally" dropping it on the (clean!!) floor seven million times, etc.), and while it sounds uninteresting, it's totally adorable.  And I can hear Milo cooing contently in his room, which is so much nicer to listen to than his typical screaming fits immediately following waking up.  So, I'm going to go feed my baby.  And give Ivy the pudding she was promised if she ate two grapes (I know...parenting at it's finest).

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